The Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 has quickly effected our everyday lives. We as wedding and event professionals never anticipated anything close to the effect that the coronavirus and COVID-19 has had on us and the entire world.
It's time to come to the realization that the world as we knew it is changed forever. This event has caused us to view things different, think twice and become more caution. It has caused us to see what is really important in life, to find appreciate and gratitude in the little things!
Weddings and events as we knew them will also be different, change is here, ready or not. All we can do is focus our perspectives on a positive mindset. #LoveIsNotCancelled, Love is not lost. We have to remember in the things that are truly important at this time more than ever before and think of weddings as #NotLessJustSmaller. Not less stress or planning, not less anticipation, not less excitement and butterflies, not less love. The guest count may have changed, the venue may have changed, but your love has not changed. Events are not less than they were before, they are just smaller.